Category: musings

  • Rest in Power

    Rest in Power

    Throughout our lives, we look at certain figures as inspiration for the type of person that we want to be. For me, one of those people is King T’Challa from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was brought to life by actor Chadwick Aaron Boseman and, now, his family must lay him to rest after the…

  • A Fresh Start

    Welcome! Less than two months ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Funnily enough, I don’t see this as a negative; I feel as if a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I now understand why I felt like I had a dark cloud following me around everywhere that I went and why…

  • An update

    Hey everyone, Iā€™m sorry that itā€™s been so long since I have posted my photos, but with my final assessment due this week, I promise that Iā€™ll be posting again sooooooon. Iā€™ve got a little bit of a backlog already, and I plan to do a LOT more shooting over the summer! Iā€™m looking forward…

  • Improving the way that I think

    Improving the way that I think

    I wish I was a better ā€œthinkerā€. Alright, let me explain. There are people who I believe see the world in a different, more observant manner. They ask different questions, and they see things that I often fail to notice. Examples include popular scientific figures such as Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Vsauceā€™s Michael Stevens,…

  • Before the assignment apocalypse begins

    Oh man. I have my mid semester break next week before which I have one assignment due, and another two due on the Monday back. Man that is just cruel, but hey, thatā€™s life I guess. On top of my academic duties, I will also have to temporarily be the sole Captain of the SS…

  • Testing 1, 2, 3ā€¦

    Hey everyone, This is just a quick post to test the Publicize pluginā€™s ability to post to my Tumblr via WordPress. If I am happy with the way this turns out I will start using this blog again for writing, and post directly to my Tumblr for my photos. šŸ™‚ Yay! PS. I got a…

  • Idorus and Kameras

    I just started reading Idoru by William Gibson. Itā€™s the second book in his Bridge trilogy of Sci Novels. Itā€™s started off in typical Gibson style: someone looking for work, others getting into things way over their heads, and a shady corporation that will inevitably end up hunting them all. I know that I make…

  • Sitting Behind The Camera

    Itā€™s been a while since I have posted anything so I thought ā€œhey, why not do it while Iā€™m at a cultural event?ā€ Yeah, Iā€™m crazy like that I suppose. For those of you who may not know about it, Iā€™m at a Durga Puja, a religious celebration in the name of Goddess Durga who…

  • Weā€™re Getting Close

    We had another meeting last night. Dinner was kind of average, as always, but the conversation was brimming with enthusiasm! We smashed through the massive checklist we have set up for launch. Logistics have been organised, tasks have been delegated and social media buttons found. I can safely say that we are getting close to…

  • Progress!

    Weā€™ve finally made some progress with the site: logos and favicons have been uploaded, an ā€˜About Usā€™ was drafted, and I made a start on our review guidelines. That reminds me, I still need to write down statements that the scores represent. Iā€™m nearly done with Sleeping Dogs, and let me tell you: that game…