Idorus and Kameras

I just started reading Idoru by William Gibson. It’s the second book in his Bridge trilogy of Sci Novels. It’s started off in typical Gibson style: someone looking for work, others getting into things way over their heads, and a shady corporation that will inevitably end up hunting them all. I know that I make it seem a bit formulaic, but trust me, it isn’t.

Gibson’s depictions of the future are eerily accurate, and kind of depressing. Things are usually fucked; either technology has developed to a point of replacing reality for a lot of people or natural disasters have resulted in people rebuilding, and repurposing, buildings, technology, and even culture.

He, like my two other favourite authors J. R. R. Tolkien and Philip K. Dick, creates a world that is both interesting and amazing but not somewhere that I would like to visit. Okay, I would probably visit Middle Earth if it existed.

I guess that should provide some insight into my literary background.

After watching this video my interest in shooting using film cameras has been rekindled. I have shot using film before, but seeing how every hipster douche said film was the “only way to shoot” – it just put me off. I don’t want to be a hipster nor indulge in any facet of their culture. But now I’m thinking, film cameras existed before hipsters, photographers shot from the hip before hipsters so why should I let something so superficial get in the way of me honing my craft?

I understand that by shooting in film you start to appreciate the convenience of digital. Unlike digital, you’ve only got a small amount of exposures per roll of film so every shot requires a lot more thought and preparation. I’ll aso hopefully better understand the relationship between shutter speed, ISO, and aperture.

I own a Nikon D5100. It’s DX format camera but I do own an FX (full 35mm equivalent) format lens: a 50mm f1.8G. I’ve been looking into getting a Nikon F4 as it works with almost all of Nikon’s lenses – from the 50s to even my ‘G’ lens. 😀

Getting a F4 means that I don’t have to worry about what lenses I am using as they will all, most likely, be compatible. Oh, and metering will work properly – thank god!

If I were a Canon user, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this so I consider myself lucky for investing in Nikon. 🙂

And no, I’m not a Nikon fanboy. Canon makes some brilliant camers, especially for video, and Sony have been making great strides with their NEX range.

Though personally, my next digital purchase would be a D600. The most affordable full frame camera that Nikon produces.

PS. I don’t know if anyone would really be interested but I have uploaded the short radio package that I recorded for my journalism assignment. Enjoy:


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