Before the assignment apocalypse begins

Oh man.

I have my mid semester break next week before which I have one assignment due, and another two due on the Monday back.

Man that is just cruel, but hey, that’s life I guess.

On top of my academic duties, I will also have to temporarily be the sole Captain of the SS Doublejump as Jake is reviewing both Grand Theft Auto V and FIFA 14.

Having just seen the first hour or so of GTA V I am hopeful that the game will be able to live up to the hype.

I, however, am happy to wait the six months or so for its PC release as the game’s graphics are seriously hampered by the limitations of the
current generation consoles.

As for tonight, my plan is to watch the film vs. digital documentary Side By Side to clear my head before powering through this Marketing assignment.

P.S. I really need a new phone!


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