Star Citizen and a Whole Pile of Awesome

So, something awesome happened today, and it wasn’t the fact I finished Sleeping Dogs (which is a pretty awesome game btw). Chris Roberts, of Wing Commander fame, just announced the new space project he’s been working on: Star Citizen, and it’s single player component: Squadron 42.

Now, to be honest, I completely forgot this was happening until I clicked onto Rock, Paper, Shotgun (a fine publication), and saw this. I have been privy to this announcement since I signed up to the “Roberts Space Industries” web site, and nabbed myself an invite (hopefully) to the beta.

Man, this is exciting news.

I now have a fantastic reason to upgrade my PC next year, well, at least I can now justify a BEEFY GPU!

In other news, I’ve finally picked up the mixer and microphone that I’ve had on lay by. It’ll definitely enable me to get serious about recording. My mate Ruw is coming over this Friday, and we are looking forward to getting back into making music together.

Now we can add vocals!

Also, Adobe has announced an introductory offer to students for it CS6 range of products. I’m not a power user of Photoshop or Lightroom, but the fact that it includes Premiere Pro, and Audition makes it worth it! As a result of the site my interest in video, and audio production has been reignited.

This site really has the potential to be up there with sites like Giant Bomb and Rock, Paper, Shotgun. I truly believe that we have the capacity, and tenacity to do it.

Bring it on I say!

2013’s going to be a big year!! 😉


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